Whether you frequent blogs, read some magazines and books, or watch “inspired on real life” movies, at some point you’ll find yourself getting jealous. You’ll hear the phrase “I wish that were me” rolling around your head. The next time you find yourself in this situation, stop for a second and remember adventures that you have done to make someone else jealous.
I recently had a few of these moments while checking posts routinely on RoadRunner Magazine called Ride the Divide. Each day I would go to the site to read the short article that summarized the adventures of the previous day. Using two paragraphs and a few photos a simple wireframe creation was born. Information enough to paint a broad picture, but omitting delicate detailed strokes forcing a readers mind to ponder what it looked like, smelled like, and felt like in some of the most remote parts of this country’s wilderness. Enviously, I found myself daydreaming and wondering what I could do to bring that same adventure to my life.
Then it happened. My *aha* moment came while sharing details about my recent ride with a coworker. As I spoke I saw the his face morph into the same one I picture myself having hearing other peoples adventure. Part jealous with a dash of wonder. That’s when I realized my life is any bit as good as those lucky bastards that ride the divide, or travel the globe. I just do it on a smaller scale. (for now)
My weekend adventure, and each ride I take, is something that gets me excited. Rarely do people get to take epic journeys crossing countries and exploring remote areas. A weekend camping in the mountains or a few hours on slab searching for a self kicking machine on North Carolina’s eastern shore, all make stories and experiences that someone else wishes they could have. It’s important to remember that not everyone gets to travel as much as you – no matter how little that may be. Not everyone is fortunate enough to experience the world on two wheels. Even other riders that travel more than you always love hearing other peoples personal adventures. So get out there ride your own personal adventure, savor it, and make someone jealous.