Motorcycle trip planning tools:
With an abundance of websites cataloging places to ride, eat, stay and see, it’s hard to keep them all straight. To help fix that conundrum and point you in the direction of finding the tool that fits your desires the best I’m going to share some of my favorite sites and tools for creating that...

Willville Motorcycle campground
Named by James Steptoe Langhorn for the beautiful expansive meadows that surround the Dan River the aptly named town, Meadows of Dan has a motorcycle campground that can be a home away from home for any two-wheeled (or three if that’s your thing) rider. With cabins, bunkhouses, and plenty of room for campers and tents...

Motorcycle trip planning tools:
With an abundance of websites cataloging places to ride, eat, stay and see, it’s hard to keep them all straight. To help fix that conundrum and point you in the direction of finding the tool that fits your desires the best I’m going to share some of my favorite sites and tools for creating that...

The truth about being a daily motorcycle commuter
When you are lucky enough to live in an area and work in a job that allows you to ride a motorcycle to work everyday you tend to get a lot of questions Recently I read an article by one of my favorite motorcycle publications, RoadRunner – Motorcycle Touring and Travel, where the author, David Burbach, outlines what he saw...

The Triple Nickel: Don’t compare it to the “Tail of the Dragon”
Too often motorcycle riders compare roads to the tail of the dragon instead of letting a road take on its own persona. Ohio State Route 555, the triple nickel, is a great example of people forcing a comparison. This road is even harder. More pucker educing. And a lot more technical....

Combining a love of technology and maps to create a Google Street View time-lapse
Inspired by "hyperlapse" a teehanlax labs project that allows you to create a Google street view hyperlapse I decided to try to make my own video based on a GPX file from a recent ride.
Whenever I go on a ride I try to have the gps on to track my route. If for no other...

Book Review: Under and Alone
I've always had a fascination with secret societies. Whether it be the Masons or a group more notorious like mafia. The book "Under and Alone" gave me a little insight into two organizations that have plenty of secrets - The FBI and the Mongols MC.

Go Make Someone Jealous
Whether you frequent blogs, read some magazines and books, or watch "inspired on real life" movies, at some point you'll find yourself getting jealous. You'll hear the phrase "I wish that were me" rolling around your head. The next time you find yourself in this situation, stop for a seconds and remember...
Create and save custom route for your hendheld GPS
There is a lot of talk about different ways to add a route created on google maps to your handheld GPS. It's taken a long time but I think I finally have the process down. It's is a little time consuming but can be worth the effort once you get to ride all of...

Practice your motorcycle observation skills at Walmart
Observation is probably the hardest safety skill to learn when starting to ride motorcycle, but a little practice off the bike you can improve your awareness. The best way to learn awareness is to practice in your everyday life.
Motorcycle Music #2
A weekly feature where I attempt to share some of my favorite songs. Some of these songs are great for riding the twisties while others are perfect for your time on the slab. There are a few songs that I’ll share just because they are fun songs for me to listen to. This week I...

The path to motorcycle freedom is paved in routine
Motorcycles and freedom are commonly paired up creating mental images of open roads and bug covered smiling teeth. Getting that extra protein takes a word opposite of freedom... Routine. A good routine takes a little work to develop, but once established you'll give yourself extra minutes in the saddle on every ride.