Observation is probably the hardest safety skill to learn when starting to ride motorcycle, but a little practice off the bike you can improve your awareness. The best way to learn awareness is to practice in your everyday life.
I’ve had a long running theory that people walk like they drive. Whether my theory is 100% accurate or not I may never know since I’ve never found a solid way to prove or disprove it, but next time you are walking through a crowded Walmart see if you agree. Use the opportunity to quiz yourself on what you anticipate the people near you are going to do. The guy with the overloaded cart, is he going to backup into you without looking? That lady with two screaming kids in tow, will she even pay attention as she whirls to grab that box of cereal? The guy standing in the middle of the isle comparing the contrast of all of the TV’s, does he even notice you enough to shuffle to one side or the other as you try to pass?
Crowded places with a diverse group of people are a great place to test your ability to identify dangers and plan an escape route quickly. Take every opportunity you have OFF the motorcycle to make yourself a better, safer, more aware person on it.
1 comment
Dan Putt says:
Aug 1, 2013
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